WP8: Environmental life cycle and economic analysis and optimization

WP leader: Ruth Pincinato
Universitetet i Stavanger
Explore key questions that the farmer should consider during the investment and operational phases, and set up bio-economic models for the value chains with the new production technology parameters (e.g., growth, feed conversion, currents) and ELC indicators (e.g., climate change).
Some of the potential questions include:
- How is the environmental life cycle and economic (ELC&E) performance of offshore salmon aquaculture value chains influenced by
- different technological solutions (post smolt and grow-out farm structures, electrification, vessel logistics) and technical performances?
- locational choices, including distance from shore and co-location of multiple offshore farms with shared infrastructure?
- salmon biological performance and marine environment characteristics?
- How is ELC&E performance of offshore salmon aquaculture relative to conventional inshore and land-based aquaculture and meat production in agriculture?