WP1: Towards integrated and digitized environmental impact and monitoring of offshore aquaculture operations
WP leader: Thierry Baussant
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
- Evaluate the use of eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding for monitoring the footprint of large-scale offshore aquaculture on the water column and on sediment
- Evaluate the use of organic carbon lability as indicator of ecological impact of aquaculture activity
- Test (semi) autonomous workflow to optimize monitoring
Expected outcome
eDNA can provide sensitive information about biodiversity changes and the use of automation and probe technology will provide farmers with quick diagnostic tools, which will ease decision making and control of operations. Hyperspectral imaging will be used for monitoring the water column, especially for the level of remaining feed pellets. Data will be available to managers and information on thresholds level, beyond which no measurable impact on the seabed or water from offshore sea farm activity are expected. On the basis of this, offshore monitoring protocols can be established.